
Our website describes the services and facilities usually available, in more normal times. Certain of these have had to be suspended temporarily, to preserve safety from infection.
Vaughan Lee House is doing everything it can to protect our residents, staff and visitors from the Corona Virus. We have created a safe space where you may visit your loved ones. This comprises a room, divided by a perspex screen, minimising the appearance of separation, with Residents using the existing door to the home and visitors entering directly from outside. There is a fully automatic intercom system to facilitate conversation. Following the guidelines, we are able to arrange visits with residents in their rooms.
Visits do need to be arranged and you are asked please, to speak with Karen or Alison before coming.
We are most grateful for your kind co-operation which, will help keep individuals safe and minimise the risks of infection.
Karen Roberts, Registered Manager
Please do not hesitate to call us on 01460 52077